What does a capital management company do?
A capital management company is a financial services institution licensed and supervised by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). A capital management company’s purpose is to manage assets. It allows several investors to pursue one joint investment strategy.
What does Kontora’s capital management company do?
We enable Kontora Family office clients to access investments worldwide. We make managing investments easier by assisting with highly complex tax issues, valuations and representing clients vis à vis third parties. As a result, we allow our clients to build and keep a diverse portfolio of international investments easily. We also offer independent management of assets, based on investment guidelines specified by our clients.
How does the Kontora Family office benefit from having its own capital management company?
Across the world, many investments are only accessible to certain groups of investors. The Kontora capital management company’s structures can break down any barriers to these investments. By using its own capital management company, Kontora can prevent any conflicts of interest and has a high degree of latitude. Consequently, we guarantee that the quality of our services is first class.
Why not get to know us and see how we can help?
Henning Landsiedel
Executive Manager, Director of portfolio management